Transformatoriai galios tranzistoriams valdyti

In the category of cores and other inductive components, we offer a wide range of products and solutions of transformers intended for use in power transistors - for control of working with a high frequency MOSFET and IGBT transistors.

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In the category of cores and other inductive components, we offer a wide range of products and solutions of...

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Produktų, kurie stulpelyje „Galimas kiekis“ pažymėti „Pagal užsakymą“, paprastai nėra sandėlyje. Tokių produktų galima įsigyti, tačiau dėl ribotos klientų bazės jie paprastai turi didesnius minimalius kiekius. DACPOL siūlo produktus, kurių nėra sandėlyje dėl šių priežasčių: Šiuo metu DACPOL turi daug elektroninių komponentų ir kiekvieną dieną pridedama naujų produktų, tačiau mūsų tiekėjai gali įsigyti dešimtis tūkstančių papildomų komponentų ir įvairių jų variantų. Nors yra neprotinga turėti visus šiuos produktus sandėlyje dėl riboto pardavimo, manome, kad jų klientams yra naudingiausia juos pateikti. Mūsų tikslas yra informuoti klientus apie maksimalų turimų produktų skaičių ir suteikti jiems galimybę priimti sprendimus, atsižvelgiant į specifikacijas, kainas, prieinamumą, reikalingus minimalius parametrus ir mūsų technines konsultacijas. Atkreipkite dėmesį, kad pažymėjus žymimąjį laukelį „Sandėlyje“ gali būti rodomi tik tie produktai, kuriuos galima pristatyti tiesiai iš lentynos.
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Galimas kiekis
picture_as_pdf Valdymo transformatorius galios tranzistoriams SIRIO Valdymo transformatorius galios tranzistoriams PAMATYKITE -- Galimas kiekis
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In the category of cores and other inductive components, we offer a wide range of products and solutions of transformers intended for use in power transistors - for control of working with a high frequency MOSFET and IGBT transistors.

Our offer includes pulse transformers for controlling thyristors, triacs and IGBT transistors, and also current transformers and cores for transformer and gland construction.

Transformers for controlling thyristors and triacs - characteristics

Transformers for controlling thyristors and triacs are produced for working currents between coils of 380 V, 500 V and 750 V, and also constructed in several variations of coils - with one primary coil and one secondary, or two secondary ones.

This type of transformers are characterized by a very small capacity between primary and secondary coils, thus also a high resistance to uncontrolled connections of the thyristors. They can be used for thyristor control in DC systems, AC systems working in a power grid frequency or in conversion systems working with an increased frequency of maximum several Hz e.g. in generators for induction heating.

Pulse transformers - characteristics

Pulse transformers for power transistors control are intended for use in power transistors type MOSFET or IGBT working with a high frequency. Depending on the type of the transformer, their working frequency is from 20 kHz to 500 kHz. This type of transformers is covered with a special material, creating a cuboid with eduction for threaded montage on printed tiles.

Current transformers

Current transformers can be used for measuring currents of 50 Hz i 60 Hz frequency in the range of 25A÷600A. There are two variations of constructing such transformers: with one secondary coil or one secondary coil with two tap changers. The option with coils with tap changers is especially useful in systems with three ranges of the measured currents.

Cores for constructing transformers and glands

This type of cores is made of nanocrystal and amorphous materials (from HITACHI: type METGLAS, METGLAS MAGNAPERM, METGLAS MICROLITE) or amorphous (from VAC: type VITROVAC 6030F and VITROVAC 500F) in C shape or toroid.

Additionally, we also provide materials for powder cores and amorphous cores from AMS. They are made in the shape of a C letter or as toroids. It’s possible to use them to construct transformers and glands of 100 kW power and up to 500 kHz frequency.