Celule de combustibil

DACPOL responding to market expectations, introduced hydrogen-based solutions to its offer, which in the future will be expanded with other energy sources. We currently offer PEM fuel cells of various power and installations that are complete power systems including a ventilation system,...
DACPOL responding to market expectations, introduced hydrogen-based solutions to its offer, which in the future will be...
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-- Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-31 Power 1.1 kW EH Group Engineering AG Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-31 Power 1.1 kW VEZI-L EH-31 1.1 kW La comandă - 200 x 75 x (12 - 50) mm (4.0 - 8.0) kG - 280 x 100 x (90 - 130) mm 1.1 kW 5 – 11 V 0 – 180 A
-- Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-81 Power 68 kW EH Group Engineering AG Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-81 Power 68 kW VEZI-L EH-81 68 kW La comandă - 400 x 120 x (95 - 450) mm (28 - 75) kG - 480 x 128 x (210 - 580) mm 68 kW 112 – 294 V 0 – 450 A
-- Culoare de combustibil hidrogen EH-81 Power 37 kW EH Group Engineering AG Culoare de combustibil hidrogen EH-81 Power 37 kW VEZI-L EH-81 37 kW La comandă - 400 x 120 x (95 - 450) mm (28 - 75) kG - 480 x 128 x (210 - 580) mm 37 kW 62 – 160 V 0 – 450 A
-- Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-81 Power 22 kW EH Group Engineering AG Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-81 Power 22 kW VEZI-L EH-81 22 kW La comandă - 400 x 120 x (95 - 450) mm (28 - 75) kG - 480 x 128 x (210 - 580) mm 22 kW 36 – 95 V 0 – 450 A
-- Celulele de combustibil EH-51 Power 16.0 kW EH Group Engineering AG Celulele de combustibil EH-51 Power 16.0 kW VEZI-L EH-51 16.0 kW La comandă - 280 x 140 x (45 - 146) mm (10 - 19) kG - 280 x 200 x (140 - 240) mm 16.0 kW 49 – 105 V 0 – 300 A
-- Hidrogen combustibil celula EH-51 putere 12.0 kW EH Group Engineering AG Hidrogen combustibil celula EH-51 putere 12.0 kW VEZI-L EH-51 12.0 kW La comandă - 280 x 140 x (45 - 146) mm (10 - 19) kG - 280 x 200 x (140 - 240) mm 12.0 kW 36 – 76 V 0 – 300 A
-- Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-51 Power 5,5 kW EH Group Engineering AG Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-51 Power 5,5 kW VEZI-L EH-51 5.5 kW La comandă - 280 x 140 x (45 - 146) mm (10 - 19) kG - 280 x 200 x (140 - 240) mm 5.5 kW 17 – 36 V 0 – 300 A
-- Hidrogen Celule de combustibil EH-31 Power 4.2 kW EH Group Engineering AG Hidrogen Celule de combustibil EH-31 Power 4.2 kW VEZI-L EH-31 4.2 kW La comandă - 200 x 75 x (12 - 50) mm (4.0 - 8.0) kG - 280 x 100 x (90 - 130) mm 4.2 kW 19 – 40 V 0 – 180 A
-- Hidrogen combustibil celula EH-31 putere de 3,2 kW EH Group Engineering AG Hidrogen combustibil celula EH-31 putere de 3,2 kW VEZI-L EH-31 3.2 kW La comandă - 200 x 75 x (12 - 50) mm (4.0 - 8.0) kG - 280 x 100 x (90 - 130) mm 3.2 kW 14 – 31 V 0 – 180 A
-- Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-31 Power 2.2 kW EH Group Engineering AG Celulele de combustibil hidrogen EH-31 Power 2.2 kW VEZI-L EH-31 2.2 kW La comandă - 200 x 75 x (12 - 50) mm (4.0 - 8.0) kG - 280 x 100 x (90 - 130) mm 2.2 kW 10 – 21 V 0 – 180 A
-- Culoare de combustibil hidrogen EH-81 Power 104 kW EH Group Engineering AG Culoare de combustibil hidrogen EH-81 Power 104 kW VEZI-L EH-81 104 kW La comandă - 400 x 120 x (95 - 450) mm (28 - 75) kG - 480 x 128 x (210 - 580) mm 104 kW 172 – 450 V 0 – 450 A
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DACPOL responding to market expectations, introduced hydrogen-based solutions to its offer, which in the future will be expanded with other energy sources. We currently offer PEM fuel cells of various power and installations that are complete power systems including a ventilation system, converter and housing.

Technological development and changes in the global industry force a constant need to look for new sources of energy. When it comes to batteries, the emphasis is now not only on high efficiency, capacity and efficiency, but also on ecology and the ability to work in various conditions. Hence, the whole problem comes down to the reconciliation of many factors, and the solutions proposed by the manufacturers focus on delivering specialized devices to the market. The electrolyte or the use of substances that, with their properties and parameters, will affect the efficiency of energy sources is also important. The breakthrough in this field turned out to be fuel cells, which, as electrochemical devices, allow to obtain electricity and heat from the reactions taking place in them. In short: cells convert the chemical energy of fuels such as hydrogen, methane, butane, methanol or gasoline into electricity.

In addition to supplying only hydrogen cells as energy sources, DACPOL also offers the possibility of building a complete hydrogen-based power supply system for the customer. Such a solution includes a cell, a heat exchanger, a converter and a casing providing mechanical protection with assembly. We will also help you select the appropriate components when the user already has some of the above-mentioned elements. system.