Senzori și componente pentru control

In addition to our specialization in air conditioning devices for electric and telecommunication cabinets, such as aircons with and without filters, air and water heat exchangers, coolers and heaters, and aircon filtering sets and air filters, we deliver and produce sensors and regulating...

In addition to our specialization in air conditioning devices for electric and telecommunication cabinets, such as aircons...

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-- Termostat dublu TRT2-10A230V-NCNC FANDIS Termostat dublu TRT2-10A230V-NCNC VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Accesorii - Sensis FANDIS Accesorii - Sensis VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Sensis - Dispozitiv de gestionare a temperaturii electronice FANDIS Sensis - Dispozitiv de gestionare a temperaturii electronice VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Modul de comutare SM 010 STEGO Modul de comutare SM 010 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Higroterme electronice ETF 012 cu senzor extern STEGO Higroterme electronice ETF 012 cu senzor extern VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Higroterme electronice ETF 012 STEGO Higroterme electronice ETF 012 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Higrostat electronic EFR 012 STEGO Higrostat electronic EFR 012 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Higrostat mecanic MFR 012 STEGO Higrostat mecanic MFR 012 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Termostat electronic ET 011 - DC 24 V STEGO Termostat electronic ET 011 - DC 24 V VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Termostat mecanic FZK 011 STEGO Termostat mecanic FZK 011 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Termostat dublu FTD 011 STEGO Termostat dublu FTD 011 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Termostat dublu ZR 011 STEGO Termostat dublu ZR 011 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Termostat în miniatură seria FTO 011/ FTS 011 STEGO Termostat în miniatură seria FTO 011/ FTS 011 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Termostat în miniatură STO 011 / STS 011 STEGO Termostat în miniatură STO 011 / STS 011 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Termostat în miniatură KTO 111 / KTS 111 STEGO Termostat în miniatură KTO 111 / KTS 111 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Termostat electronic ETR 011 STEGO Termostat electronic ETR 011 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Termostat dublu TRT2-10A230V-NONO FANDIS Termostat dublu TRT2-10A230V-NONO VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Termostat dublu TRT2-10A230V-NCNO FANDIS Termostat dublu TRT2-10A230V-NCNO VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
-- Termostat dublu TRT2-10A230V-NCNC FANDIS Termostat dublu TRT2-10A230V-NCNC VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Termostat mecanic TRT-230V-S01 FANDIS Termostat mecanic TRT-230V-S01 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Termostat mecanic TRT-10A230V-NO FANDIS Termostat mecanic TRT-10A230V-NO VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Termostat mecanic TRT-10A230V-NC FANDIS Termostat mecanic TRT-10A230V-NC VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Modul de comutare DCM 010 STEGO Modul de comutare DCM 010 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --
picture_as_pdf Hygrostat electronic DCF 010 STEGO Hygrostat electronic DCF 010 VEZI-L -- La comandă -- -- --

In addition to our specialization in air conditioning devices for electric and telecommunication cabinets, such as aircons with and without filters, air and water heat exchangers, coolers and heaters, and aircon filtering sets and air filters, we deliver and produce sensors and regulating components - thermostats, hygrostats and hygrotherms.

We offer and especially recommend various thermostats, including mini thermostats KTO 011 [otwierający (NC)]/ KTS 011 [closing (NO)] and also series FTO 011/FTS 011 and STO 011/STS 011 ; double thermostats ZR 011 and FTD 011 - NC & NO in one; mechanical thermostats FZK 011 , MFR 012 and ETS 011 for controlling heaters, coolers, ventilators with filters; electronic thermostats ET 011 and EFR 012 ; and also electronic hygrotherms ETF 012 with an external sensor.

Thermostat, hygrostat and hygrotherm - what are they and where they can be used?

Thermostats are one of the main elements of a heating system. They allow us to set an optimal temperature in a room, or even program it for following days, which helps with energy and heating costs saving.

Electronic hygrostats measure relative humidity in enclosures containing electric and electronic components.

Electronic hygrotherm on the other hand controls temperature and relative humidity in cabinets and enclosures of electronic and electric systems and when the set amounts are reached, it turns on the heating/ventilation - prevents from creating condensate in electronic components.

Mechanic hygrostats are mainly used for regulation of heating systems in switchboards, to increase the point of dew above the critical relative air humidity level 65 % - preventing condensation of steam that leads to corrosion of the components.