

Italian company CO.SI.ME for over 45 years has been producing explosion-proof equipment and accessories for the chemical and petrochemical industries. Additionally produces equipment for increased safety Ex e II, combined with protection devices (Ex de IIC, Ex d [ia] IIB / IIC , etc.) and...

Italian company CO.SI.ME for over 45 years has been producing explosion-proof equipment and accessories for the chemical and...

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Компоненти для небезпечних зон та вибухонебезпечних атмосфер [Приклад]

Italian company CO.SI.ME for over 45 years has been producing explosion-proof equipment and accessories for the chemical and petrochemical industries. Additionally produces equipment for increased safety Ex e II, combined with protection devices (Ex de IIC, Ex d [ia] IIB / IIC , etc.) and apparatus for Zone 2 and 22 (Ex nA IIC, Ex nR II, etc.).

The corporation guarantees high quality products and service and complies to such procedures as Annex IV of Directive 94/9/EC and has certificate of a quality management system ISO 9001. Moreover, CO.SI.ME. constantly strives to develop their technologies of electrical equipment installed inside the explosion-proof enclosures and meet the highest quality standards.