
Thyristor is a controllable semiconductor device, which from the blocking state goes into the conduction state after giving a short control pulse to the thyristors gate.

DACPOL offers following type of thyristors:

    standard thyristors


Thyristor is a controllable semiconductor device, which from the blocking state goes into the conduction...

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picture_as_pdf DCR5790M28 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR5790M28 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR5790M28 Verfügbare Menge -- 2800 V 5790 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR5890H52 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR5890H52 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR5890H52 Verfügbare Menge -- 5200 V 5890 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR5900A22 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR5900A22 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR5900A22 Verfügbare Menge -- 2200 V 5900 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR5900A28 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR5900A28 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR5900A28 Verfügbare Menge -- 2800 V 5900 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR470T14 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR470T14 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR470T14 Verfügbare Menge -- 1400 V 470 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR470E34 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR470E34 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR470E34 Verfügbare Menge -- 3400 V 470 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR3790B42 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR3790B42 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR3790B42 Verfügbare Menge -- 4200 V 3790 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR390J85 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR390J85 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR390J85 Verfügbare Menge -- 8500 V 387 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR3980H85 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR3980H85 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR3980H85 Verfügbare Menge -- 8500 V 3980 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR3990A52 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR3990A52 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR3990A52 Verfügbare Menge -- 5200 V 3990 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR4100W42 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR4100W42 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR4100W42 Verfügbare Menge -- 4200 V 3880 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR4330M52 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR4330M52 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR4330M52 Verfügbare Menge -- 5200 V 4325 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR4420H65 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR4420H65 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR4420H65 Verfügbare Menge -- 6500 V 4420 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR4440W22 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR4440W22 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR4440W22 Verfügbare Menge -- 2200 V 4440 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR4500A42 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR4500A42 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR4500A42 Verfügbare Menge -- 4200 V 4500 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR4590B28 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR4590B28 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR4590B28 Verfügbare Menge -- 2800 V 4590 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR4660H65 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR4660H65 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR4660H65 Verfügbare Menge -- 6500 V 4660 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR3710V14 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR3710V14 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR3710V14 Verfügbare Menge -- 1400 V 3710 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR590E24 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR590E24 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR590E24 Verfügbare Menge -- 2400 V 590 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR780G42 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR780G42 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR780G42 Verfügbare Menge -- 4200 V 780 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR850G26 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR850G26 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR850G26 Verfügbare Menge -- 2600 V 850 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR860D18 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR860D18 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR860D18 Verfügbare Menge -- 1800 V 860 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR890F65 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR890F65 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR890F65 Verfügbare Menge -- 6500 V 894 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
picture_as_pdf DCR950D14 Tyrystor PCT DYNEX POWER DCR950D14 Tyrystor PCT. SEHEN SIE ES DCR950D14 Verfügbare Menge -- 1400 V 950 A -- -- -- -- -- -- --
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Thyristor is a controllable semiconductor device, which from the blocking state goes into the conduction state after giving a short control pulse to the thyristors gate.

DACPOL offers following type of thyristors:

    standard thyristors

    fast thyristors

    asymmetric thyristors

Standard thyristors are suitable for the construction of converters operating at the frequency of 50 Hz power networks. They can be used for the construction of controlled rectifiers and power regulators as well as soft-starters.

Fast Thyristors

Fast thyristors, also called impulse thyristors, are characterized by a short switching time, high resistance to steepness of conduction current rise and short time of switching off.

Thyristors are used in current inverters and voltage inverters, as well as in DC drive converters and induction heating.

Asymmetric Thyristors

Asymmetric thyristors are characterized by low backward and comparable voltage, with other types of thyristors, blocking voltage. They are used primarily in traction converters of drive systems.

Thyristors are offered in two types of housing: screw-fit and capsule shaped of various sizes. They are mounted on heat sinks adapted to the losses generated in the SCR during electric conduction. When installing thyristors, apply a thin layer of thermally conductive paste to their casing, which improves heat transfer properties to the heat sink.

Thyristors in a screw-fit casing should be screwed to the radiator so that their terminals adhere to the whole surface. Pulse thyristors are cooled by radiators adjacent to the pellet. The appropriate pressure of the radiators to the pellet is provided by a special construction buckle equipped with a pointer to control the clamping force.

Thyristors –Protection

Thyristors require protection against the effects of short circuits and switching overvoltages. Only quick fuses specially designed to protect diodes and thyristors can be used for short circuit protection. To protect the thyristors against overvoltages, a RC muffler, varistors and special semiconductor elements switched between the gate and the anode, e.g. BOD type, are used.